Our Rates

$50* / Adult Kayak

Our fleet of Aspires and Pungos are comfortable, stable, top-end recreational kayaks, suitable for teens and adults up to 400 lbs.

$35* / Child Kayak

Ages 6 to preteens will find our just-the-right-size kayaks perfect for these early experiences. Here’s how we approach kids and kayaking.

$4 / Ride-Along Child

Before they are ready for their own kayak, toddlers and preschoolers are welcome to ride in your kayak for a minimal extra charge. Read more about what to expect when kayaking with a little one.

*6% PA sales tax + 5% online booking fee not included.

What about group discounts?

Book one of our regular routes for 8 to 10 kayaks and receive a discounted price of $45*/kayak.

Looking for something unique?

Or have more than 10 in your group?

Let us customize your adventure.

Conejohela Flats Susquehanna River kayakLanCo group kayak rental